St Lucy's School

A community enriched by difference

In the Classroom – St Lucy’s Primary School

As a Special School, St Lucy’s adopts a balanced approach to teaching and learning, using both explicit methods and more child-centred approaches.

St Lucy’s has a social learning model. Students learn within a group, learning from and with one another and from and with staff. St Lucy’s also provides opportunities for individual teaching and learning in the classroom with generous staffing ratios.

Explicit teaching is utilised across all Key Learning Areas and particularly in the KLAs of English and Mathematics where research strongly supports this method of teaching and learning.

Students at St Lucy’s Primary School undertake a breadth of learning across the Curriculum in the Key Learning Areas of

• English,

• Mathematics,

• Creative and Practical Arts,

• Human Society and Its Environment,

• Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, and

• Science and Technology.

At St Lucy’s we supplement what occurs in the classroom with purpose designed one on one programs, including:

• The Mathematics with Meaning program – teaches the students the skills needed to be numerate in the context of how they will use them

• Reading Program – structured Intensive Reading Program using research-based methods and resources from MULTILIT, combined with our own successful techniques for students to become literate.

We believe that students learn best by doing and utilise a range of teaching methods to motivate and engage students in their learning.

“My son is very excited each morning to prepare for school and I know he is in a safe and nurturing environment where he is actually loved and valued.”  Parent